Monday, January 28, 2008

Cost-Effective HMO Health Insurance Plans

The following are a few great health insurance plans in the market that have very comprehensive coverage and can help you save money.

Cost-Effective California HMO's for 2008

Saver or Value HMO's (Health Maintenance Organization): These plans provide the extremely comprehensive coverage of an HMO, but the addition of a deductible lowers the monthly premium. These plans still carry low co-pays. HMO's are a good option for women who are planning to become pregnant. The maximum-out-of pocket limit is normally significantly lower than a PPO. When the math is done to equate the difference in total spending one may get more for the money with a Saver or Value HMO.

Some Popular HMO Plans in the Market include:

• Blue Cross Saver HMO

• Blue Shield Access Value

Click here for your free California Health Insurance quote!

1 comment:

corporate insurance quotes said...

I'm a 21 year old, full-time student, employed by radioshack and I'm under my parent's health insurance. I was wondering, if I get married, will I be dropped from my parent's health insurance?